
'Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear'

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Location: Southampton, United Kingdom

I'm a London girl!! Got myself a mum, dad an older sis, bro and younger bro!!love chilling and having playtime with my mates!And most of all hanging with JC!!

Monday, March 05, 2007

its called 'go with the flow' the picture is beginning to unfold and im quite liking it i have to say so watch this space!....

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

love life

woke up this morning with a text from my mate saying 'you are very loved!'good way to wake up!
feeling very chillled and peaceful about things at the moment. Had a funny weekend me and joe had an arguement on sunday night have to say it felt like the first proper one weve ever had as usually they are just silly little things. But all was sorted out by the time he left had make up kiss and messing aroung and giggling on monday just made me realise that yeah not all relationships are perfect and you cant expect to go through a relationship without disagreements, arguements but its getting through them what counts and makes you stronger as a couple!and my life it better having him in it than not.

also the panic about work and life has calmed down now as well. Ive realised its not something to be sacred of ok i only have 8 weeks of uni left but then the real adventure begins and God knows about it so im just waiting for him to tell me about it in his own time. so im just focusing on work at the moment and not letting anyone else confuse me or worry me about the future as i dont need to.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

really getting into my work at the moment feel like ive had a boost with it!lets hope it lasts. Saw my dad yesterday which was really nice to see him gave me some chocolate which my bro had half eaten typical!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Been a while since i last wrote anything. My foot has healed p but got a nice little scar which looks like a burn!

getting into uni work but not really understanding where it is im meant to go or be with it still an open book and would like some direction soon. Sometimes wish i took an easier course were you knew straight away what you would be doing. life would be so much easier!

Been thinking about changing experiences and what i have seen come from then in God and his directions. Somethimes they are clear, sometimes its just stepping out and hoping i have taken the right path. at the moment cant work out if im taking my own or his or both or neither and just going with the flow of life. Funny how things all plan out, think ive just learnt that whatever may be said,is never fixed as it always changes!!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Update la foot

my foot has its bandage removed and is now green and blue yuk!!!!! and a massive scab which still hasnt healed not the most attractive thing to look and makes me feel rather sick thinking about it!!

Monday, December 18, 2006

my poorly foot

what a day friday turned into!!

could i be more in the wars!!went to hannah shearns house for her birthday and was leaving with Joe and i slipped and bent my foot back and landed on it sort of like the splits was not nice, hurt like .... anyway joe had to carry me to the car and clean the cut up with my make up remover wipes as that was all i had. spent all day saturday in my bed with ice on it taking lots of drugs. went to church on sunday and dr Paula said i should go to A&E so off me and joe went bumped into the lovely jess (whos house it was at!)who managed to bump us up the queue so instead of us being stuck there for 4 hours it was only 1. Had an xray done which then a boy came in too hopping after his xray saying oh thats cant be my foot its really big and long which then i got up and hopped over to my xray leaving an embarrased little boy!Dr decided to clean the cut which was agony but she thinks there might be a hairline fracture not sure so got to go back on tues until then no walking or driving so im stuck on my bed fun.

(not the clearest of pics)

Friday, December 15, 2006


Just got back from the doctors oh so not very helpful in the slightest, my rib has been hurting me on off for the last 6 months and originally she said get an xray now she wants to take my blood and do tests on it, so not up for that as last time i gave a blood test i ended up fainting then had to get checked out again after that as it took ages for my blood pressure to get to the right level!!!

had a really bad migraine all yesterday and this morning feeling slightly better just feel like i have wasted a couple of days though.

just going to wrap up josephs xmas presents so he cant see them any more as they are hiding in my den.

(as i am typing my rib is hurting me so im going to stop goodbye!)