
'Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear'

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Location: Southampton, United Kingdom

I'm a London girl!! Got myself a mum, dad an older sis, bro and younger bro!!love chilling and having playtime with my mates!And most of all hanging with JC!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

crazy few days

had a crazy few days been working really hard as i had to hand in a project on monday and had to have it finished on friday before me and joe went up to hull. Left on firday lunch time for a surprise 25 wedding anniversary party for his parents and arrived after the surprise due to a pile up on the m1. had to get changed outside before we were greated by loads of people i did not know but knew me!spent all of saturday finishing of my work with the help of han (thank you!) then we left again for southampton as i needed to do more printing!!but managed to get it all done by 6 which was lush compared to last project went to see james bond which was better than i thought some crasy stunts at the beginning!

ive just come home for a few days to recharge my batteries and get away from uni life and the stress of it all. gonna start on my dissertation hopefully if all goes to plan! going to london this avo with parents and bro to get presents for all of the birthdays in the world that are coming up and xmas.

ive just been reading there is always enough by heidi and ron baker totaly aspiring book to read and heartbreaking as well, would love to go there and help out if thats in his plans for me.

Friday, November 10, 2006

im a bit crap with keeping this upto date but it will get sorted!

got loads of work on at the moment as usually got my results back from my last project which i was happy about just got to get this other one ready to hand in, in a week.

Things in the house have got better dont really know whats going on with the council but atleast i can sleep here now without worrying im going to die!we went out as a house lastnight which i wasnt really looking forward to as i was tired and i prefered to be in my bed not freezing to death and stiken of smoke. but we all went out it was nice being all girly and getting ready together never had that in the other houses as well they were boys but then meyrick doesnt count!went to the oc have to say out of all of the decoration that have been in there from chicagos to shout this looked the best no wonder it was packed but then that could be because it was cheese nite!Well the evening started off well but then kates ex was there and then it all just hit off thought he was going to punch anyone who touched him, got the bounchers involved and me and kt legged it around the club befor he grabbed us!then the night was pretty normal after that with the dj being CCCRRAAAPPP heard more of him than the song he was playing!

so exhausted got to go to london to see my mama and papa and get fabric might see if papa wants to come with me!!