
'Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear'

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Location: Southampton, United Kingdom

I'm a London girl!! Got myself a mum, dad an older sis, bro and younger bro!!love chilling and having playtime with my mates!And most of all hanging with JC!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas time!!

Wow crazy amount of things have been happening since I last wrote!!

Well Im home from uni which is lush to see family and relatives. Put the christmas tree up with lots of excitment which then soon wore off as it took such a long time!! Went to the furthest place up north I have ever been to in my life being hull and i think ive truely ruined any chance of going back there after crashing into the back of joe's car on my way out!!slightly amusing now looking back at it but wasnt at the time!(if you want to read a funny version of it visit joes blog)

Been a stressful few days doing work, seeing alot of family. All got a bit too much the other night and had to leave the house to go for a night walk with God in the snow to clear my head ended up crying the whole walk. But i have to say felt completelyt refreshed afterwards - you always need a good cry with your daddy!!

And now I'm getting ready for rach and jonny's wedding!!!which happens to be tomorrow. Helped with decorating the rooms all day and they look absolutely lush well done to lau and rach with the designing i have to say!!cant believe their day has arrived will actually be crying my eyes out as i was in the rehearsal great!!!hope theres enough tissues to go around.

Then theres new year. Which I've decided is the worst time of the year i think!!hate having to organise things and work out what to do. I think I will just go with the easiest option and do nothing. Thats right I am truely a lazy slob but so cant be bothered!!!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Just in my room doing some knitting for uni really enjoying it even though i do feel like a granny!!!

Been having a crazy week and weekend!!saw narnia on thursday at a really stupid hour, was falling asleep through it. reminded myself that i actually hated it when i was a kid so i couldnt really understand why i was making myself watch it but it wasnt as scary as the old version so that was ok!!
Had a christmas house party at joe's, have to say barney put a lot of effort into decorating the place and they had a smoke maching and dj's!!well done boys !!
Then had rach's hen party wowowo cant believe its only 2 weeks til she and jonny are getting married so excited but scary!!

Then back to uni for three days then home for christmas. I swear this term has gone really quick- losing track of time!!

Talking of time i lost my watch last week and it was really stressing me out as i didnt have a clue what the time was and it was also a present from my sis. IT was really funny as i had been praying about wanting more time to fit things in as i felt like it has been rushing by, supppose this was God joking with me to make me not live by time. So i decided not to worry about it on thursday night then on friday morning i found it!!in my coat duh!!so its back on my wrist now.Hes a funny man!!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Had the lushes weekend which i havent had for awhile!!! spent friday night chilling with joe, chix and kez, watched bruce almighty. Now i have seen this film before and thought it had been losing its laughing ablility on me but i think if you watch anything with chix's then your sure to be i stitches!!

Then mr lambert and myself went to london baby!!!had great weather for the whole journey, but as soon as we got off the tube the heavens opened!!why is it people seem to walk slower and man there loads of people!!all doing there xmas shopping i suppose. went to soho and found the fabric shops for my work and my word there are loads!!im having to go back again tomorrow to buy the material that i need and i might end up doing a bit more wondering!!!

then on sunday had lunch with the new mr and mrs dave barclay!!!had the log fire burning, candles lit and drinks hmmm. Felt very christmasy!!!cant wait!!!flatmates have already put up xmas decoration in the house to get us in the festive feel!!

anyway better go as going to the lush cowherds with mates yummy!!!

Thursday, December 01, 2005