
'Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear'

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Location: Southampton, United Kingdom

I'm a London girl!! Got myself a mum, dad an older sis, bro and younger bro!!love chilling and having playtime with my mates!And most of all hanging with JC!!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Feels like life has been one big emotional rollercoaster the last few weeks. Dont really understand what is happening and what it is God is saying to me in this situation about it all. Started of with church fasting so me and joe got involved which felt really good and what God wanted us to and felt that God was really in our relationship and teaching us more. But then i had a fire at my house second one this year!feels like it just keeps on happening, think i was slightly expecting it. But i didnt expect it to havce such an effect on me. Totally shook me and dont feel that strong anymore. Just getting fed up with student houses now just want to be where its easy and theres no complications. Trying to sort out my room and what we as a house are going to do. Got so many people telling me different things dont know what to think, that im getting to the stage that i cant be bothered to think about it any more and just get on with it all. feel some people might be making the situation worse dont know but when ever i feel like im getting on top of it some one says something and it all comes crashing down again. so ive been staying in different beds for the last 5 days and now i just want a home a bed to call mine and not to feel like im not settled. just feel that alot if crap is now happeniing! feel like ive always got to be strong and work through it all but i dont want to any more i want other people to deal with it, didnt think things were meant to be this complicated!

had my birthday on saturday so it was nice going home and getting away from it all. i know thats a place where i do feel safe! just been reading this book called 'journal of the unknown prophet' and it said this

'You are our great desire. For oh beloved, we search to and fro across the cities and the nations of the earth searching for thosewho we can make our abode with. For so many of my children know me by name, but they know not my face. For so many of my children know me by my word. But beloved they know not my face. But beloved, it is to those who know my face, it is to those who love my appearing that my Father and I will manifest ourselves.
For my child, you can see me at any time with the eyes of your heart. For those who worship in spirit and in truth, these are the ones who shall see the Son in His Kingdom in all his glory, for My Kingdom comes in your heart. It is in your heart that the Father and I shall appear to you. And so it is these ones who love our appearing that are great treasures in our sight.'

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Moved down to southampton into my new place. Feel all settled in now just need to get used to this location as its abit rougher than my last area!great encouraging comments from rach, joe and lau!might need to carry something with me...

hate this as im having to do all of my work now which i thought i would of had done at the beginning of the hols so wouldnt be doing it now!!never works though. so working at joes but dont have the energy to do it!!slowly getting there.
got my birthday soon which should be something good to look forward to...

feel anew since i last wrote, like its a new season which technically it is going to be. just excited about what god has instore for me!!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Don't be afraid baby don't you cry, Daddy's here it will be alright,
You're not alone, you're not alone.
Don't be afraid when you're cold at night, I will keep you warm I wll hold you tight,
You're not alone, you're not alone.
Look beyond the window there, to the sky above, to the open air
Look beyond what you can see, close your eyes and just believe.
The lion roars and the lamb lays down,they live together in a whole new town.
Calling me and they're calling you, from the cold hard facts that we're on our own,
To the age old truth we're not alone.
We're not alone.
We're not alone.
Don't be afraid when you scrape your knee,I've got a band aid waiting and a kiss for free,
You're not alone. You're not alone.
Don't be afraid when the blind believe, cos the more you fly the more you'll see.
You're not alone. You're not alone.
Don't be afraid little warrior bride, for victory is on the other side.
You're not alone. You're not alone.
Don't be afraid little warrior bride, victory is on the other side.
You're not alone. You're not alone.

was thinking of this song then read lau's blog as i had an email from her and she had this song on it. funny how god works when im feeling like this. its hard when the bad things always seems to cloud the good, feels like its too hard to look above it at the moment...sometimes it just feels too much to carry by yourself and there is only one person who you can share it with who can take it all away.