
'Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear'

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Location: Southampton, United Kingdom

I'm a London girl!! Got myself a mum, dad an older sis, bro and younger bro!!love chilling and having playtime with my mates!And most of all hanging with JC!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I feel so refreshed having been home. Headache completely gone which was such a relief and no more crying woo!!the floodgates have now shut!think i just needed a new environment for a while and see la family!

Well warwick was a lot of fun!!had a funny car journey with char, liz and em piled high with duvets and bags!then found out that em had moved back to halls so we were having to sleep 7 girls into one room- cosy. Such a random night and i love that when that happens. went to a pub with her mates and work peps then crashed another guy 21st party which was one for the book!!think us girls added a lot to the party then we jumped on his coach to a club which was ikon. Felt like i never left southampton!!Us girls have a habit of always losing each other as soon as we arrive somewhere but thank goodness me and char (batman!) managed to stick together as we were pretty much in the middle of no where!!

Came back and i dont know how it happened but i got stuck with no mattress on the floor in a little corner so that was a great nights sleep!! then headed back to london after a quick stop off at little chef - havent been in one of them for awhile think theres a reason for that...

Back in southampton and have loads of work to do and i just feel like i have no free time any more. Feels like im being stretched to do things, see people and work and not have enough time for the more important things. Don't know if its the man upstairs telling me to meet with my friends more as they are such an important thing to me and i feel that i havent been able to see them or speak to them lately. Weeks just seem to be passing so quickly that i only have 2weeks left at uni - crazy!! but bring on the wedding of the season - RACH AND JONNY!!!! (cheers guys for the conversation the other night love you guys heaps!!)

Friday, November 25, 2005


Having a pants moment right now. I've been ill all week with a crazy headache virus that wont go. Actually making me feel really sick and people who know me know i hate being ill and especially sick so this is fun!its like something has just taken over me as i cant be bothered to do work as it hurts so much and then i get stressed with myself for not doing work. And the crazy thing of all is that its making me cry!!how much crying can you do over a headache obviously a lot! so ive come home to get some tlc from the family!
got my mates 21st in warwick so having a road trip with my mates there which should be fun especially if this headache goes!!have some fun quality time with my girlies!

im trying to work out if blogs are a good idea or not.....

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Monday, November 21, 2005

Crazy Weekend!!

Wow what a weekend this has been!!Feel so drained!!Think Joe has just seen a different side to me and is probably thinking what has he got himself into!!

Dave and Abis wedding was beautiful, felt like the wedding from love actually all wintery!!Realised how much i missed dancing havent had one of my crazy nights like that for a long time!!Its all about having the right music! took loads of photos (some abit shacky need some teaching Graham!) once i know how to post them on i will.

It was great seeing old friends again!! love it when laura comes as i never know whats going to happen when we meet. And what a shock i got this time! God was totally moving like Ive never known or felt in me. I was totally knocked out in the spirit as soon as i was behind the wheel of the car and for a good hour. God is just so amazing and just touches my soul in such an intense way. Love this newness that God is pouring upon me, this greater hunger that is so intense that I cant hold it in. The hunger is just spreading everywhere I'm going and i just want to press that into everyone i meet.

Feels like this is a whole new season and year for me. He is just changing everything and imparting himself into every aspect of my life.

Love the words in this song by casting crowns, says it all.

Your love is extravagant
Your friendship, it is intimate
I feel like moving to the rhythm of Your grace
Your fragrance is intoxicating in our secret place
Your love is extravagant

Spread wide in the arms of Christ is the love that covers sin
No greater love have I ever known You considered me a friend
Capture my heart again

Spread wide in the arms of Christ is the love that covers sin
No greater love have I ever known; You considered me a friend

Capture my heart again
Your love is extravagant
Your friendship, it is intimate

Friday, November 18, 2005


Oh Lord!!
I read this book called 'captivating' by john and stasi eldredge and its about God wanting to romance us ladies and captivate us and take us away with him. So I thought right God I want that, I want to be romanced by you and to know you as my lover and to know a greater love from you like no other. two weeks later and God is totally doing this, he is totally changing me, taking me away with him everytime I meet with him. I cant get enough of him!!! Having intimacy with him is amazing and its something that everyone should strive for to the extent that you cant bear it any more. If I could I would just be with him all day and night!! Its such an emotional journey but it would not change it for anything and the best thing of it is that the devil cant handle it!
I always thought it was about seeing God, hearing from him in a loud voice, seeing miracle and i would get frustrated that i never had that and wondered why not me? but God doesnt want that for me. He wants to touch my soul in a way that no one can an inner emotion and desire that only he can create and show to me. He gives us all a different way to be with him and see him move in us and he wants unique and individual relationships with each one of us. thats what makes us special to our daddy!!

Well excited as well as i have Dave and Abi's wedding tomorrow and they are the most beautiful and spiritual people i know who are such an inspiration to me and I love that they are getting married and Jesus is gonna love it even more!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

ahhhh!! i seriously hate computers now!! just wrote a message and i dont have a clue where it just went... and another moan about these stupid things, saved loads of work yesterday and went to open it this morning and it came out as codes - whats that all about!!

anyway yesterday was a lush day!!my Cds had finally arrived which i have been waiting for ages!but now i must stop buying cds especially of itunes that is a dangerous place!!im getting into a lot of trouble but u must check out LaRue and Plumb great tunes!! then i got myself a lush digital camera!so im going to be like a crazy photographer so watch out peeps!i wonder how long it will take till i break it with my track record that wont be too long of then...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Oh my word i have joined the computer geeks ie laura, joe and graham and stupidly got myself a blog!!what was i thinking i only wanted to leave a message to lau and they signed me up on this tihng!!!i dont even have a clue how these things work!!so watch this space as its going to be an interesting journey what ever pops up on this blog!!