
'Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear'

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Location: Southampton, United Kingdom

I'm a London girl!! Got myself a mum, dad an older sis, bro and younger bro!!love chilling and having playtime with my mates!And most of all hanging with JC!!

Monday, January 30, 2006


Back from milan now and i have a cold super!!

Milan was amazing though had about 10 inches of snow the most they have had in ten years typical!dont really want to see snow for a long time now. had to wear 2 pairs of tights under my jeans, 3 pairs of socks and then had to buy wellies out there as my shoes were ruined!! ate loads of italien food so ive had enough of pasta, ham and cheeeeeese (which i dont like anyway!) there lifestyle is abolutely crazy didnt eat until 11 pm then go out afterwards feels so back to front!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

milan woo!!

Meant to be going to bed as im having to get up really early tomorrow morning to go to milan with my course but thought i should write before i go!!

things have been changing so much since i last wrote. Things probably werent at there best last time but GOd has changed that completely by just trusting him in it all and knowing his love in it all. So thankful for the people i had around at that time who have helped me and made me a stronger person because of it. Just so exicted about the future and cant wait to see what it is that God has in store for me and the journey he is and will take me on.

had a fire in our house last week which was so surreal at the time and thinking about it now as well. mez and his girlfriend were actually really lucky that it wasnt any worse and that they had woken up when they did. Had two fire engines and then took them to a&e to get them checked out was there till 4.30 am was so tired and had a thumping headache all the next day from the fire alarm, at least we know it does its job!!but not something i would like to experience again, made me realise how precious life is and the things we take for granted.

Going to milan and it hasnt really sunk in yet probably will once im at the airport as always a bit last min to realise what is going on and then the time has passed me by!!!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Got back into uni life today, felt like i never had a break!thought i would be stressing out with all the work that has to be done in the next few weeks but actually surprisingly chilled interesting...

Gods teaching me a lot at the moment of having to trust him in everything. Which is really hard at the moment when some of things arent things i think i can deal with. But thats how we forget how big and strong our father is and that he wants us to turn to him and except his healing that he pours upon us constantly. Probably found it hard as the people i would turn to for help are out of the country, i suppose thats where God is telling me that he is enough, although he blesses us with amazing friends sometimes he justs wants us to be with him alone. He just increases everytime you meet with him and captivates my heart so much more as i forget how loving and protective he is of me.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

MR and MRS Rust!!!

Can't believe they are married now!!seems such a long time ago but it all happened a week ago today!THe day was absolutely lovely with the now Mrs Rust looking beautiful in her white dress!! Guess who was late for the wedding well it wasnt the bride thats for sure was it Mr Lambert! There was lots of lovely food and then we had the chance to dance it all off with the jewish dancing!! Felt abssolutely shattered after the whole day though but got some good photos.

Then on Fri went ice skating with Joe, Lau and Esty at south kensington would of been great if it wasnt raining but snowing. Just had to make sure i didnt fall over otherwise miche would of looked like she had wet herself all day. Then true lau style had to leave us in the rain to get home to go to america alright for some!

Back in southampton now with no car feeling slightly restricted in ways in not being able to get to any where. Hate having to ask people for lifts as i feel its really cheeky. But then its good in a way as i feel slightly free in a way of not having to do everything and go everywhere. confusing i know.
Meant to be doing work but right near the end of it and have lost steam to carry on!!just looking at my nails and they have seemed to of painted themselves a lovely shade of blue and the heating is on....

cant believe its january next thing we know it will be easter then summer then xmas again all seems to go so quickly that theres not enough time to soak it all up...