
'Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear'

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Location: Southampton, United Kingdom

I'm a London girl!! Got myself a mum, dad an older sis, bro and younger bro!!love chilling and having playtime with my mates!And most of all hanging with JC!!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

MR and MRS Rust!!!

Can't believe they are married now!!seems such a long time ago but it all happened a week ago today!THe day was absolutely lovely with the now Mrs Rust looking beautiful in her white dress!! Guess who was late for the wedding well it wasnt the bride thats for sure was it Mr Lambert! There was lots of lovely food and then we had the chance to dance it all off with the jewish dancing!! Felt abssolutely shattered after the whole day though but got some good photos.

Then on Fri went ice skating with Joe, Lau and Esty at south kensington would of been great if it wasnt raining but snowing. Just had to make sure i didnt fall over otherwise miche would of looked like she had wet herself all day. Then true lau style had to leave us in the rain to get home to go to america alright for some!

Back in southampton now with no car feeling slightly restricted in ways in not being able to get to any where. Hate having to ask people for lifts as i feel its really cheeky. But then its good in a way as i feel slightly free in a way of not having to do everything and go everywhere. confusing i know.
Meant to be doing work but right near the end of it and have lost steam to carry on!!just looking at my nails and they have seemed to of painted themselves a lovely shade of blue and the heating is on....

cant believe its january next thing we know it will be easter then summer then xmas again all seems to go so quickly that theres not enough time to soak it all up...


Blogger RIC...RICKY...RICCARDO said...

Beautiful pictures, looks like you had a wonderful day. Hope Southampton treating you well Miche. I was at the Liberal Democrats HQ on Saturday night when Charles Kennedy resigned! Bloody amazing!

12:58 pm  
Blogger Miche said...

WOW!!GO GET HIS JOB!! hope youre enjoying the time your having there. Im watching to see if you will jump up onto the screen!! hurry back!xxx

6:30 pm  

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