
'Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear'

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Location: Southampton, United Kingdom

I'm a London girl!! Got myself a mum, dad an older sis, bro and younger bro!!love chilling and having playtime with my mates!And most of all hanging with JC!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Ballerina Girl

This week has been really crazy but things got put on hold on valentines day, jen and i worked our magic on our other halves to make them be romantic and it worked!!joe gave me a bouquet of 12 red roses and joel gave jen lush chocolates well done boys!! and today is our 4months which is well crazy at how fast time has gone!!!

God is forever changing me and the way that things are meant to be in life.

Its so easy to get into a routine and just assume that God will come along with you and still pour out his blessings upon you. buts thats not how he wants to do it, he wants it all his way not ours. The last few weeks have been a really testing time for me with such spiritual attack on me as a person that i got to the stage of wondering what it was that God even saw in me when i had such a low self opinion of myself. The devil just has such a way of sneaking into my thoughts and changing everything that God has given me the ability to do and change it into nothing.
I found that I was trying to find something that made me a person that people could identify me with, but i was so stupid as that is not what make us different and unique. Its God, he is the one thing that i want to show through me and be reflected to other people, and just realising that i realised how much i love being with him, spending time with him. if i could i would just love to do what lau is doing adn just go away with him and really go searching into him and work out what it is he wants me to do, be. Im not ashamed to say i spend time with him, that i could have a whole day with him and do nothing else as that is what my heart desires more than anyting is to know him so much more intimately. I dont think we strive enough for him and just get consumed by earthly things and routine. its not about trying to sqeeze him in in the morning or evening, he should be first in everything we do as he puts us first.

Daddy so spoke to me in this song that i felt him singing it over me

Ballerina girl you are so lovely
With you standing there
I'm so aware
Of how much I care for you
You are more than now
You are for always
I can see in you my dreams come true
Don't you ever go away

You make me feel like
There's nothing I can't do
And when I hold you
I only want to say I love you
Ballerina girl the joy you bring me
Every day and night
Holding you tight
How I've waited for your love

Sometimes I've wondered
If you'd ever come my way
Now that I've finally found you
This is where my heart will stay woah

Never gonna break your heart
Never will we drift apart

by lionel richie- ballerina girl


Blogger RIC...RICKY...RICCARDO said...

Beautiful words.

However. I feel this is a one way relationship... you never leave posts on my blogg any more.

U disowned me?

12:28 am  

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