
'Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear'

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Location: Southampton, United Kingdom

I'm a London girl!! Got myself a mum, dad an older sis, bro and younger bro!!love chilling and having playtime with my mates!And most of all hanging with JC!!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Home Sweet Home!!

I'm home yeah!! feels so good being back and being in a clean house, getting cooked food and seeing mates! Had the longest bath in the world as i wouldnt dare go in my uni one missed them sooo much!Think i got a bit carried away with the bubble bath oops...
Saw lau at the weekend was lush, hearing her stories on what God is doing with her and through her is amazing just listening to it all just drives the passion even stronger within me to wanting that and seeing it and just to be more focused driven for him.

Just had my last day living with ric which is sad that our uni days of living together have finally come to an end. But hes going to higher and better places so watch channel five news woo!


Blogger RIC...RICKY...RICCARDO said...

Mich. I miss you allready! When I think of halls... and the journey we've made I stop and think to myself.

We seemed to stick together throughout those three years, even when I wasnt in the bloody country. You mean alot to me and I hope our friendship lasts.

Peace Up A Town! Yo

Channel five here i come.

12:24 am  
Blogger Miche said...

miss you too and yes i am an american!!please try and come back that week so we can have a date!!keep the hard work and enjoy your special lady rose!
looking forward to the future with you in it!!

love you lots yeah yeah

5:05 pm  
Blogger RIC...RICKY...RICCARDO said...

my special lady rose?!?! lol!

Went out tonight and caught up with Mari and Claire. Was pretty cool. We all decided we got to meet up in London... and wanted to tell u that we NEVER want you to change.

We love you just the way you are. I deleted those comments on my site. Who the fuck was that?

2:16 am  
Blogger Miche said...

I wont as long as you all stick around!! keep your hard work up, just got back from bluewater so tired got to work now!!! love ya

3:45 pm  
Blogger RIC...RICKY...RICCARDO said...

its sunday night... or monday morning should i say? just bout to go bed thought i'd check your blogg... no update.. ah well guess i gotta sleep.


1:26 am  

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