
'Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear'

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Location: Southampton, United Kingdom

I'm a London girl!! Got myself a mum, dad an older sis, bro and younger bro!!love chilling and having playtime with my mates!And most of all hanging with JC!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Its been one of those days or weeks?!had a bit of a pants day yesterday as im missing joe and then i took it out on him (sorry Joseph!) and i forget constantly how powerful it is when i pray. I think i take it for granted the things i expect God to do for me when it comes to the little things in life as i wonder if he could be bothered to sort them out but he does and sometimes a lot quicker than i expect so im having to catch up with him!
Woke up today, pretty much jumping out of bed as i said lastnight i would go to london but usually when i say this i can never be bothered the next day but it was as if God said come on get up we are going to london whether you like it or not!!so i went with my ipod and was just listening to some christian music and suddenly out of no where about 4 middle aged to elderly couples come out and i just sat there watching these couples (i like watching people in public places not in a stalking way but peoples behaviours and mannerism etc...!) anyway i was watching them and i always wonder to myself when your old do you ever run out of love or ways of expressing your love to your partner? but here they were each being intimate and loving with their other half in a different way. One couple that got me was the way they were standing, talking to each other but while they were holding hands they were gently squeezing each others hand in their own little rhythm. Then god just said see you never run out of love like i never run out of love for you!!
Went to soho and got my fabric dye and was on the way back on the train and i could just feel Daddy with me all day sitting next to me and being with me so i didnt feel alone.
Then i listened to this talk from grace center about women and marriage and the roles men and women should take towards one another. It was explaining how God wants relationships to be, how he has specially created and moulded someone for me and who fulfills all my desires and needs and that is my gift from God who know one else can have!!and that I am a gift to the person I am with!!
Been finding God also challenging me in things i do and think out about things. Im learning that i have to give them to God and to try and have a Jesus like attitude to them. I also become aware that i do put myself in those situations which dont help me and having to learn to give them to God and try and see the pattern of it before i end up putting them into motion. Not going into in too much detail but there is one which i struggle with and i dont know how to come about it as it can and does spirtually enhance me, but its there that i also struggle and dont know what it is i should do?But i know Daddy will make me stronger from this and i can depend on his strength when i do feel weak.


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